Become a World Congress of Families Partner
Benefits Include:
- A listing in our publications, including the weekly International Organization for the Family News that reaches over 50,000 pro-family leaders and activists around the globe with your logo and a link to your website
- News of your organization’s activities (including conferences, conventions and publications) in the Leadership Memos, IOF News and other publications.
- A profile of your leader in IOF News.
- An opportunity to participate in one or more of a growing number of WCF Regional Conferences on five continents.
- Two VIP admissions (which allows access to the VIP/speakers lounge and special dinners and events) to WCF XIII, Verona, Italy.
- A three star hotel room for March 28-30 in Verona, Italy.
- A standard exhibit table – with upgrades available.
- Name and recognition in the printed program, and a link on the Congress website.
- A speaking opportunity at the annual World Congress of Families.
- The satisfaction of knowing that you are a vital part of the international pro-family movement.
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