World Congress of Families XI

Hungary, May 25-28, 2017

The Budapest Family Summit

Washington, DC – The World Congress of Families (WCF) and the International Organization for the Family (IOF) are proud to announce that World Congress of Families XI will take place in Budapest, Hungary, May 25-28, 2017. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Hungary has a well-deserved reputation as one of the most family-friendly countries in Europe.

WCF Managing Director Larry Jacobs observed: “World Congress of Families is excited about our Budapest Congress and all of the exciting events during the five days of the Budapest Family Summit. Budapest is a beautiful, historic city and Hungary has demonstrated its strategic leadership as an advocate for the natural family in Europe. We believe that this Congress will strengthen our existing international network and help launch a new global pro-family alliance of countries dedicated to defending marriage, the family and the sanctity of human life.”

The local organizing committee of WCF XI is led by Katalin Novak, Hungary’s Secretary of State for Youth, Family and International Affairs under the government’s Ministry of Human Capacities headed by Hungarian Cabinet Minister, Zoltan Balog. As a further demonstration of Hungary’s commitment to family and faith, Minister Balog was part of a government delegation from Hungary that included embassy officials and key members of the Hungarian Parliament who attended the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. on February 2nd.

The Theme of World Congress of Families XI, Budapest Family Summit, is:“Building Family-Friendly Nations: Making Families Great Again.” Most sessions will take place at the Budapest Congress Center with 3,000 delegates and participants expected. Special sessions at WCF XI will include a Global Forum for Youth and Emerging Leaders, A Global Forum for Business Leaders, and a Global Forum for Political Leaders to be held at the Hungarian Parliament. A cultural program will feature special Hungarian singers and dancers. WCF XI participants will also be entertained by an exclusive world premiere Hollywood feature movie with positive family and faith content sponsored by MovieGuide and Dr. Ted Baehr, Chairman of the Christian Film and Television Council.

The World Congress of Families XI Budapest Family Summit will include the Budapest Demographic Forum (May 25), the WCF Budapest Congress (May 26-27), a One of Us Pro-Life Forum (May 27), and will conclude on Sunday, May 28th with a World Congress of Families “Viva Familia” Family Festival and Parade starting at Lajos Kossuth Square. Hungarian high ranking leaders, politicians, WCF Founder Allan Carlson and IOF President Brian Brown are expected to address the thousands of pro-family advocates gathered in the streets of Budapest to celebrate the natural family. The festival will be led by WCF, Hungarian state representatives, representatives of public organizations, families, children, and young people in traditional folk costumes. The assembled parade will march with flags, signs and balloons to the Basilica where participants will receive blessings and release the balloons with a cry of “Viva Familia!”

Hungary’s leadership in defense of family, life, and Christianity is well known in Europe. The adoption of key provisions in the Hungarian Constitution in 2011 defining marriage between a man and a woman and protecting human life from conception to natural death have made the Orban government the hero of pro-family and pro-life leaders from all over the world. Hungary’s leadership is fully committed to family friendly governance and has recently launched a new national motto, “Hungary, the Family Friendly Country.”

The first World Congress of Families was held in Prague in 1997, two years after WCF was founded by Dr. Allan Carlson following a trip to Moscow, Russia. Subsequent Congresses have been held in Geneva (1999), Mexico City (2004), Warsaw (2007), Amsterdam (2009), Madrid (2012), Sydney (2013), Salt Lake City (2015) and Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia (2016). Each Congress is unique, with its own theme to celebrate the Natural Family and discuss challenges facing families today, at the national, regional and international levels.

WCF delegates affirm the Natural Family as the fundamental and sustainable unit of society and affirm the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), including Article 16, which states that “the family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the state.” WCF also recognizes the sanctity and dignity of every human person from conception to natural death. Delegates at WCF include a wide range of leaders, activists, scholars, researchers, clergy, politicians, business executives, professionals, parents, and youth.

The World Congress of Families maintains a network of leaders from more than 80 countries around the world who help inspire and coordinate the international pro-family movement. World Congress of Families is a project of the International Organization for the Family (IOF) which unites and equips leaders worldwide to promote the natural family. IOF has recently launched the Cape Town Declaration, where supporters of marriage and family are invited to stand up and sign this Universal Declaration for the Family and Marriage: More information is available at and



Larry Jacobs, World Congress of Families:
