We Must Defend Christian Culture Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary, December 27, 2017 9:45 PM We await the Christian world’s great festival: the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. In silent waiting…
WORLD CONGRESS OF FAMILIES LEADERSHIP MEMO: Uniting, Equipping, Empowering Leaders at Successful WCF Regional Conferences in Caribbean (St. Lucia) and Africa (Malawi)
World Congress of Families Leadership Memo: December 6, 2017 WCF St Lucia Caribbean Conference Promotes Natural Family and Equips Caribbean Leaders WCF Malawi African Conference Unites East African F…
Sign the IOF Petition to UN Human Rights Commissioner: Stop Abortion of Children With Disabilities and Down Syndrome
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2017 This is barbaric… Dear Friend — The United Nations has a “Human Rights Committee” in order to, “promote and protect human rights for all.” This …
WORLD CONGRESS OF FAMILIES LEADERSHIP MEMO: WCF Regional Conferences, Caribbean (St. Lucia) and Africa (Malawi)
World Congress of Families Leadership Memo: November 14, 2017 WCF Regional Conferences Unite and Equip Leaders Worldwide WCF St Lucia Caribbean Conference November 17-18 WCF Malawi African Conference …
World Congress of Families Leadership Memo: Regional Conferences, St. Lucia, Malawi, Australian Deadline, Serbian Leadership, Euthanasia Prevention
World Congress of Families Leadership Memo, November 3, 2017 WCF Regional Conferences Unite and Equip Leaders Worldwide WCF St Lucia Caribbean Conference November 17-18 WCF Malawi African Conference N…
WORLD CONGRESS OF FAMILIES LEADERSHIP MEMO: Caribbean, Africa, Australia, Tony Abbott, George Soros
World Congress of Families Leadership Memo, October 27, 2017 WCF St Lucia Caribbean Conference Three Weeks Away WCF Malawi African Conference with Impressive List of Speakers and Leaders ADF Hosts Ton…
Here’s What a Pro-Family Champion Looks Like: Bosko Obradovic In Serbia
Here’s What a Pro-Family Champion Looks Like Dear Friend — Bosko Obradovic is a Member of Parliament in Serbia, and leader of the pro-family Dveri Party. He’s a close ally of the Internati…
Standing Tall: Mother Teresa and Her Defense of the Unborn
October 23, 2017 Standing Tall: Mother Teresa and Her Defense of the Unborn One of our most faithful supporters recently told us of the indelible impression made upon him by the speaker at his 1982 g…
IOF Statement regarding: Draft of General comment No. 36 on article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, on the right to life
International Organization for the Family Statement regarding: ICCPR, Article 6(1): Every human being has the inherent right to life. This right shall be protected by law. No one shall be arbitrarily …
WORLD CONGRESS OF FAMILIES LEADERSHIP MEMO – St. Lucia Conference, Sydney Family Festival, ADF Chicago Banquet
World Congress of Families Leadership Memo, October 13, 2017 Upcoming St Lucia WCF Caribbean Conference, Over 10,000 Australians at Sydney Family Festival In Support of Natural Marriage, Chicago Chris…