THURSDAY, August 24, 2017 |
IOF Weekly — Making the Match
President’s Message
Dear Friend of the Family:
George Soros and his fellow leftist billionaires have funded a vast anti-family network, directing money to organizations across the globe that are working to remake society on every issue we care about – protection of life, marriage, parenthood, education, assisted suicide, surrogacy, religious liberty, etc. The International Organization for the Family (IOF) is at the forefront of pushing back against Soros and his ilk, weaving together hundreds of pro-family ministries on every continent into a worldwide pro-family movement.
IOF operates a number of critical programs to educate, equip and activate pro-family forces around the globe, including our annual World Congress, numerous regional conferences each year, our scholarly publication (The Natural Family, an international journal of research and policy), programs aimed at young people (such as our Emerging Leaders program), and the Article 16 Initiative to influence international governing bodies, among other programs. We’ve accomplished a great deal, but to continue to be successful, we need your help.
Thanks to a generous donor who has stepped forward with an amazing $100,000 matching grant, every contribution to IOF through Labor Day will be matched dollar for dollar. We have less than two weeks left in the matching gift campaign, and we’re behind. We are asking every supporter of IOF to step and become a Sustaining Member by pledging to make a monthly donation to us.
Whatever you can afford to donate, please act today, realizing that your gift will double in effectiveness thanks to the matching grant opportunity.
God bless.
International Family News
In Jeopardy Again: The Children of Australia
By E. Douglas Clark
Director of UN and International Policy
Every May 26th since 1998, Australians have celebrated their National Sorry Day to express regret to the so-called “stolen generations,” the half-caste Aboriginal children who for decades were forcibly removed from their homes and placed “for their own good” in training schools to become servants to white families and be assimilated into white society. As depicted in the film Rabbit-Proof Fence, in stealing children from their parents, the government also stole from the children themselves—their precious heritage of family and culture.
As Australia continues to seek healing and reparation for that colossal injustice, it now finds itself in the throes of another titanic issue threatening to affect its children: the debate over same-sex ‘marriage.’ This is the final week for Australians to register for the postal survey, a non-binding plebiscite. As the fierce debate continues, the same line is being trumpeted that has persuaded only a mere 24 nations, according to data published by the Pew Research Center, to legalize same-sex ‘marriage’: the so-called “right” of homosexuals to marry each other.
But it is not homosexuals’ rights that are at stake. “Same-sex marriage,” explains Margaret Somerville, Professor of Bioethics at University of Notre Dame Australia, “forces us to choose between giving priority to children’s rights or to homosexual adults’ claims.” And according to our colleague Dr. David van Gend, Australian medical doctor and president of IOF partner Australian Marriage Forum, when a government chooses to give priority to those adult claims, it is truly “stealing from a child”—hence the title of his insightful book, Stealing from a Child: The Injustice of ‘Marriage Equality’. Seeking to avert another national disaster for Australian children, Dr. van Gend urges his fellow Australians, “What will be in the back of our minds as we make our pencil mark? For me, it will always be the image of father, mother and baby; the triple-bond at the heart of human life. That is the Real Thing, the beautiful thing, at stake in this plebiscite.”
The same thing is at stake for all the world’s children, for whom IOF is at the forefront of advocating. Under the inspired leadership of Brian Brown, IOF is doing more than ever to marshal organizations and leaders around the globe through our World Congress of Families (such as our most recent in Budapest), our regional Congresses (such as those coming up in St. Lucia and Malawi), our Natural Family Journal, our United Nations work and publications (such as Family Capital and the SDGs), and The Cape Town Declaration: Universal Declaration on the Family and Marriage, which proclaims “the dignity of marriage as the conjugal bond of man and woman” and “as the patrimony of all mankind.”
Australia cannot afford to again steal from its children and apologize later in another National Sorry Day. We urge Australians and all who seek the best for children to, in the words of the Cape Town Declaration, “join in common cause, East and West, North and South, to stand for a truth that no government can change,” and “not falter or flag until the truth about marriage is embraced in our laws and honored in our lands.”
Coalition Formed To Oppose Gay Marriage Vote in Australia
Australian citizens will vote next month in an unusual non-binding nationwide postal vote to advise the Parliament whether they wish same-sex marriage to be allowed in the country. Urging a No vote is a powerful new coalition, the Coalition for Marriage, which is led by the Australian Christian Lobby, the Marriage Alliance, the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney and the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, and is comprised of dozens of other organizations.
The Australian Christian Lobby is a partner of IOF.
Read more →
Drag Queens Push Transgenderism on Kindergartners
TORONTO, August 21, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – “Drag Queen Story Time” continues to take major cities in the United States and Canada by storm.
John Paul Kane, aka drag queen performer, “Fay Slift,” is a Toronto kindergarten teacher who seeks to normalize transgenderism among young children through “Storytime” indoctrination.
Kane told, “The younger we get these little kids embracing people’s identities, ethnicities and family dynamics, the more they are exposed to the fact that this is just another form of life.”.
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Natural Family News and Research
Overweight Only Children
An Australian ABC affiliate recently ran a story meant to assuage any fears that parents who choose to have only one child may harbor regarding their children’s well-being. Parents interviewed for the story believed that by having only one child, they were able to afford better schooling, and had more time to devote to that child’s well-being. They were also able to pursue more leisure time for themselves, and more time in fulfilling careers, which they assert makes them better parents. But research reveals that no amount of private schooling and one-on-one time with parents can obliterate at least one negative outcome for only children—physical health.
Read more → at The Natural Family: An International Journal of Research and Policy
Quick News Links
Marriage and Family
Upcoming Events
October 6-7 — Dialogue of Civilization, Rhodes, Greece 13-15 — Values Voter Summit, Washington 16-18 — WCF Caribbean Regional Conference, St. Lucia, organized by Hon. Sarah Flood-Beaubrun
Contact Flood-BeaubrunNovember 28-30 — in Lilongwe, Malawi organized by Ann Kioko of the African Organization for Families or |