Dear Friend—At this year’s High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (July 9-18) at United Nations headquarters in New York, all who entered the UN library saw prominently displayed front …
President Trump Delivers… Again
IOF Weekly — President Trump Delivers… Again President’s Message Dear Friend:President Trump has again delivered on his promise to American voters that he would only nominate to the US Sup…
Statement by the International Organization for the Family on the 2018 High-Level Political Forum
The Key to a Safe, Resilient and Sustainable Society As deliberations commence at UN headquarters for the 2018 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, it is well to recall the extensive…
Seismic Shift Coming to the U.S. Supreme Court
IOF Weekly — Seismic Shift Coming to the U.S. Supreme Court President’s Message Dear Friend:The US Supreme Court is about to undergo a seismic shift in favor of conservatives with the announceme…